JMeter HTML Dashboard Report Generation
JMeter HTML Dashboard Report Generation

- It is mandatory (as well as recommended) that the two Checkboxes in all the Transaction Controllers used in Test Script must NOT be checked (also, by default they are not checked as well).
- Its mandatory (as well as recommended) to perform “Apply Naming Policy” action for each group of Samplers inside each respective Transaction Controllers by “right clicking” on each Transaction Controllers.
- Always, remember to Restart the JMeter whenever we do any changes in any of the six“properties” file or any “bat” file in the “bin” folder so that changes can take place in JMeter GUI. Also, remember to Restart JMeter if we do any changes in “lib” folder or “lib -> ext” folder in JMeter directory for the changes to take place.
- Also remember, while running a Test in JMeter, either in Non-GUI mode or GUI mode, it’s always recommended to disable the unnecessary Elements of that Test Plan/Script.
- Always remember to use “Backslash” (i.e. “/ ”) while giving File path or Directory path everytimein JMeter wherever required, because JMeter generally recognise the “Forward slash” (i.e. “ \ ”) as Escape Character.